Thursday, 31 December 2015

The maiden shot !!!

I have been thinking of documenting my trips since at least last 1.5 years. Every time it got postponed to the next trip. Next trip used to happen and so the same thinking exercise. In between all this, we did a major road trip from Pune to Kanpur and I found this as the best time to finally start what I have been delaying since so long. 

Then came the next issue. One part of mine wanted to write in Hindi, giving the comfort one feels while talking / writing in mother tongue and the other wanted to write in English, for it has larger reader base. Even, I guess at least 1/5th of Indian population itself doesn’t understand Hindi while they are very much at ease with English. So after about a month’s dilly-dallying, I am finally staring in English, keeping my rights reserved for writing in between in Hindi whenever I feel like so :)  (some expressions are best expressed in mother tongue, you simply can’t find the equally appealing counterpart in foreign language). For the ease of readers, my Hindi sentences/words will be in italic.

Now the next challenge was to find a story which was based on travelling and which I have read in school and which’s fading memory was somewhere in back of my mind. I liked that story very much and wanted to refer that for my first post, but the only thing I could able to recall was that it was in my Hindi book of some class. I was getting amused when I started recalling name of Hindi stories I read in school, Cycle ki sawari, Panchlait to name a few, but that THE story was completely out of mind. Finally took the help was Google and after 1-2 days of searching eventually got it. So the story was अथातो घुमक्कड़जिज्ञासा by Rahul Sankrityayan. Anyone interested in reading the story can Click Here

And by this story, I also picked my blog’s name ‘Ghumakkadi’.

Happy Ghumakkadi :)

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